Dental Implants

Dental Implants Implant Structure Illustration Northern Beaches Sydney.png

People who have missing teeth may benefit from techniques that allow artificial teeth to be implanted firmly in the mouth. The techniques range from replacing one missing tooth to replacing most of the teeth in the upper and lower jaws.

As implants provide points of firm attachment for dental prostheses, they can help solve problems posed by traditional dentures and bridges.

Many patients have reported that dental implants are more comfortable, convenient and attractive than dentures they had previously worn. They also report few problems when eating and talking. Biting and chewing are very similar to biting and chewing with normal teeth.

The basic structure consists of the implant fixture and the prosthesis.

Dental Implant

An implant fixture is inserted into the jaw bone by Dr Chellappah to provide a base for supporting and attaching the prosthesis.

Implants may be made of different materials and implants in different ways. You and Dr Chellappah can discuss which is likely to be best for you.


A prosthesis is an artificial tooth or row of artificial teeth which your Dentist will attach to the implant. The prosthesis may be a ‘crown’ to replace one missing tooth or a ‘bridge’ to replace several missing teeth. In a jaw with no teeth, the prosthesis covers almost the full dental arch. Some prostheses with many teeth are fixed permanently onto the implants with screws or special cement. Other types of prostheses can be taken out for daily cleaning.

What can I expect at my appointment?

At your initial consultation, Dr Chellappah will take a thorough history, perform a comprehensive examination and review any x-rays or CT scans which your may have organised. He will advise if any further investigations are required.

Dr Chellappah will explain to you the options available for your treatment condition and discuss the procedure and any associated risks in depth. He will also advise you of what to expect in the post-operative period.

What is involved with Dental Implant Surgery?

Dr Chellappah will make in incision to open your gums. The implant is then inserted into the jaw bone using special techniques and instruments. The number of implants inserted by Dr Chellappah depends on the prosthesis. For example, one implant is used to replace one missing tooth. For a complete upper prosthesis having 12 artificial teeth, four or more implants may be needed.

The incision is closed with dissolvable stitches. These stitches dissolve within 1 to 3 weeks.

The bone surrounding the implant is allowed to heal for up to six months.

After healing, an ‘abutment’ is inserted through the gums and into the implant. This can be done under local anaesthesia. The abutment is the foundation, support or connector for the prosthesis. The gums around the abutment are left to heal for several weeks. If the bone is adequate, the abutment may be inserted at the same time as the implant.

Your Dentist or Prosthodontist will then begin work on the prosthesis. The prosthesis may be fixed to the implant with cement or screws so that it is not removable. Or it may be attached in a way that allows it to be removed for cleaning.

Where will I have my Dental Implant Surgery?

If only one or a few implants will be inserted, Dr Chellappah may give you a local anaesthetic with a needle. The local anaesthetic will numb the gums and the lower parts of the face.

For some people, Dr Chellappah may recommend general anaesthesia, that is putting them to sleep for the duration of the surgery. General anaesthesia is given by a specialist Anaesthetist.

General Anaesthetic may be preferred in people who:

  • Will have implants inserted into the lower jaw, upper jaw or both.

  • Do not want to remain awake during the surgery.

  • Will need major bone grafting.